Origin of the name LiGalli
The question: “Why is the company named LiGalli ?” is often asked and merits further explanation. At the start of the concept to develop a revolutionary, novel, vaginal ring, those involved in the first hours sat together and were challenged to suggest a name for the start-up company. Many possibilities passed review, often containing ‘tech’, ‘med’, or ‘fem’, or something similar.
None of them stroke the right cord in our opinion.

Back at home, thinking of all the beautiful places in Italy, the country where females play such an influential role, the name ‘LiGalli’ suddenly popped up in my mind as an interesting representation of our envisaged MedRing for women.
The desired ring should stand out, and – like the LiGalli islands – be beautiful, attractive, elegant and have a history of powerful women…
LiGalli are the islands of the mythical Sirens, birdlike mermaids, if you like, …a kind of super women. Their names were Parthenope (“virgin”), Leucosia (“white Goddess”) and Ligeia (“bright voiced”).
Homer tells of Odysseus navigating nearby the islands where the Sirens enchanted the sailors with their singing. Odysseus listened, tied up to the mast, while his crew had beeswax in their ears to resist the temptation.
So, to say, a fine example of powerful females. To be fair, listening too well could result in shipwrecking.
For over 25 years my spouse Angeline and I have been visiting the LiGalli islands at the Amalfi peninsula in southern Italy.
Their stunning beauty and serenity still captivates us every time. So, they did to Rudolf Nureyev, the famous and elegant dancer, who owned the islands many years until his death.
Nowadays, the private villa complex overlooking the cobalt blue and emerald green coloured sea, is again in private hands and is occasionally rented to the happy few. And the islands are nowadays also a relaxed tourist attraction, maybe because the Sirens have not been spotted for a long time?
Willem de Laat, Founder and Board Member of LiGalli B.V.
Get in touch
Leiden Bio Science Park – BioPartner 1
J.H. Oortweg 21
2333 CH Leiden
The Netherlands